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Author Topic:   Ladies and Gentleman, Peachstate's Response!
Joe Davies

Posts: 258
From: UK
Registered: Jun 2000

posted 11-27-2001 08:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Joe Davies   Click Here to Email Joe Davies     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by xxcygni:
Wrongo! A few years ago when Joe Davies had his website with Armstrong analysis, he was a novice space collector. He will tell you the same thing since he has only been collecting for a few years. So, any purchases he made from you were as a beginner. He is one of those lucky guys who is extremely talented and able to pursue his hobbies with lots of gusto. I don't need to speak for Joe. I'm sure he will speak to this in a few hours.
I concur. I am an enthusiastic collector but I lack(ed) the depth of experience in astronaut autographs that some others do in this field. When I made up that Armstrong signature analysis it was done with the best of intentions as I wanted to provide a FREE online space collectors resource, and I wrote to every single person who I was advised was considered an authority to ask them to check it out for me before "publication" for any errors. Most replied including some of the most respected and knowledgeable authorities and all advised me it was accurate. It DID include at least one of the flag signed wss variants!

Over time I had emails advising me that the flag signed item was a forgery, and it made me realise that were a huge load of these things out in the market-place. I removed the page, if it wasn't accurate it defeated the purpose. I have subsequently realised that it is`all downside to be had in attempting to provide collector's resources and I no longer show my collection or any reference info on my website, I restrict myself to a little movie I made about some of my collection favorites.

It has taught me much, and in a strange way I am grateful to Peachstate for that as it has caused me to adopt a much more discerning attitude towards selection of aqcuisitions - to buy on feel and analysis and not on someone's reputation. The experience disproved the adage of "buy from someone reputable and you will be safe". It has taught me to do proper analysis and research, to question everything, and to make up my own mind no matter who the seller is.

There ARE reputable and knowledgable dealers out there, it would be unfair to list them as they are bvased on my opinion and exclusion would be unfair to any excluded, but I most certainly DO NOT include Peachstate in that list - any dealer that injects 200 fakes into collections for whatever reason is incompetent at the very least and therefore disreputable by definition.

This thread of the discussion is something of a distraction and isn't too pertinent but I felt I should respond and confirm Mike's comments.


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posted 11-27-2001 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for johndw2   Click Here to Email johndw2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by
But at least I stand to be persuaded, which cannot be said for many others on this thread. So far, I HAVEN'T counted you among them.
Chet, As I've posted earlier, even as a supporter of David's, I have nothing to win or lose in all of this and if the facts point to something dubious and underhanded, then that would obviously change things. Unlike many of his detractor's, I'm willing to listen to the facts and THEN make my judgement. And yes, those individuals who have posted on Dave's behalf have had great experiences dealing with him, so what's wrong with saying that? And what do those experiences have to do with the current situation?

You say you can be persuaded in one sentence, but then the rest of the post has already found him guilty of something. Maybe you know more than the rest of us. But my feeling is that you've been easily persuaded by gossip and the such.

As you said earlier, I realize that we're not in a court of law, but since when do we pass judgement (hang the guy) BEFORE the facts are even out? And like you, I'm anxious to get some details, but unlike you, I'm willing to wait and listen BEFORE I pass judgement.

John Wardell
posted 11-27-2001 01:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by johndw2:
...unlike you, I'm willing to wait and listen BEFORE I pass judgement.
John, there's a difference between having formed an opinion, however strong, and passing judgement. I HAVEN'T passed judgement, but I do have an opinion based on what I've heard so far.

As I said in a previous post, DF did himself a huge disservice by not coming forward before now. He knew this whole matter had been brewing for quite some time, and let's face facts, he was trying to lay low, hoping the whole thing would blow over. So while I give him credit for coming forward now, ONLY because he has no obligation to do so, he doesn't get many points for it either in my book.

My feelings and opinions on this matter, again, have been formed only on the basis of what I've heard SO FAR. When SO MANY reputable collectors are all saying basically the same thing, with no serious ulterior motives that I can detect, why shouldn't I have the opinion I have? Up until a day ago, there was NO refutation from the other side. This is NOT to say I've made up my mind. I'D TURN ON A DIME if the preponderance of evidence supported that, but so far I haven't seen it, so I'm sticking with my previous ASSUMPTIONS.

Your case for remaining neutral before all the "facts" are in would be alot stronger if this were a simple he said/she said, but that ain't the case; it's a matter of he and he and he and he and... well, you get the point. It seems some DF defenders (again, not counting you) could see a videotape of the man committing a murder, and their response would be "well, the victim was going to die some day anyway, and I've gotten some great pieces from Peachstate and have found their service outstanding"!

There are very serious questions being raised here, and so far DF has only glossed over them with a non-specificity that seems to indicate he takes us for suckers. (Like Claude Raines, I was shocked, ...SHOCKED, that all these suspect signed items came from a man who has passed on, and whose surviving family members can't vouch for his collection in any way..... who'd have thought?)

I'm as open minded as anyone, but I don't like being taken for a fool. No matter how upstanding DF has been in his other business dealings, it has NOTHING to do with the questions at hand. I wish more of his defenders would realize this.

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posted 11-27-2001 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for johndw2   Click Here to Email johndw2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I appreciate your position and understand where you're coming from. I think where we differ is that I'd rather base my opinion on the facts (not to prejudge) and not what some "experienced" collectors have to say before the 'evidence" gets out. It's easy to jump to conclusions and get on the lynching bandwagon especially when people you respect and admire are leading the charge. I'll admit some of the information does not show Peachstate in the best light, but again, I'm willing to hear the whole story.

We all carry around opinions with us based on our previous life experiences. I have one, you have one....there's no arguing that. I respect your opinion and certaintly don't feel it is my place to try "change" it by saying what a swell guy David is. I hope when all is said and done the facts do that.

John Wardell
posted 11-27-2001 01:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
John, I'm a cynical person by nature; that probably has ALOT to do with my take on this. (You must be an optimist!) But I think, judging from your last post, you are being very fair in your assessments as well, and I certainly respect your stance. I wish more "knee-jerk" (no pun intended) DF defenders here were as level-headed.

New Member


posted 11-27-2001 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for johndw2   Click Here to Email johndw2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Chet.

John Wardell
posted 11-27-2001 10:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, so far nothing from Robert about the "Haecker Papers"; (sounds like something out of Casablanca).

Looks to me like this thread is going to just wither and die. Only John and me left in here, it seems, and I doubt DF wants to peddle his story to just us two. I always thought the Peachstate controversy would end with a bang, not a whimper. Don't worry, Robert... if I am the last one here, I'll remember to turn out the lights.

posted 11-27-2001 11:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Robert posted his findings at 12:36 pm today. New thread. Check out - "Review: The Peachstate/Haecker Documents"

You are behind the times my man!

posted 11-27-2001 11:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
THANKS for the heads-up RICKY! (Also, for being the ONLY one to let me know here; I was getting sooooo lonely).

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