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  MegaHobby/Revell 1:110 Jupiter C with gantry

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Author Topic:   MegaHobby/Revell 1:110 Jupiter C with gantry
Robert Pearlman

Posts: 53921
From: Houston, TX
Registered: Nov 1999

posted 06-16-2024 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Robert Pearlman   Click Here to Email Robert Pearlman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From MegaHobby for $39.95 in October 2024:
Announcing our next special run: Revell's Jupiter-C in 1/110 scale! This kit, exclusive to MegaHobby, is 14.5" long when completed, and comes with the movable gantry as well.

We expect this to arrive by October — enter your email address on the product page to be notified when it is here!


Posts: 1365
From: Vancouver, WA, USA
Registered: Feb 2012

posted 06-27-2024 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Headshot   Click Here to Email Headshot     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I remember building this kit when I was a kid. I thought it was really neat. Then I had the brilliant idea to replace the Jupiter C rocket with Revel's Mercury/Redstone combination, which was at the same scale. I tried to make an enclosure for the Mercury capsule, similar to the old Surfside 6 enclosure, but discovered that wax paper could not be successfully painted or glued.


Posts: 787
From: Longview, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 2000

posted 01-20-2025 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dtemple   Click Here to Email dtemple     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Any comments about this kit now that it has been released, or any photos of a completed model?

This is a versatile kit, offering the chance to build it with various launch vehicles also offered by Revell in 1/110th scale - Redstone, Mercury-Redstone, and Jupiter IRBM. The latter can be modified into a Juno II.

How about a model representing the Jupiter that launched Able and Baker? I have seen some nicely modified kits depicting MR-3. I have thought of that but am probably going to install an early Redstone in place of the Jupiter C.

***EDIT: I discovered the Revell Redstone and Jupiter (IRBM) are not 1/110th scale -maybe around 1/120th. The Jupiter does not fit on the launch pedestal, though the Redstone barely does. The latter's diameter should be the same as the Jupiter C if it were the same scale, but is not. The Jupiter C can be modified to become a Mercury-Redstone, though, by trimming off some of the upper section of the "C" and using a 1/110th scale Mercury spacecraft from the, "Everything is go," Mercury-Atlas Revell/Atlantis kit. Convert the Atlas to an early Atlas A or B.***

There are some errors in this kit. The tracks for the mobile gantry are not correct. The rails were embedded in concrete for the actual system, not tracks with cross ties on the ground. The markings are not correct for the Explorer 1 launcher, but are right for an early test Jupiter C.

Overall, though it is an extremely nice kit, especially considering when the tooling for it was made - the late-1950s. The gantry can represent the ones at Pads 4, 5, and 26. Pad 6 was very similar, but the gantry had a square top rather than the A-frame design.

All times are CT (US)

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