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  Help with High School Space Day

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Author Topic:   Help with High School Space Day
Linda K

Posts: 62
From: Greensboro, NC 27455
Registered: Aug 2008

posted 03-25-2009 10:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda K   Click Here to Email Linda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As many of you know, I work at our local high school as a full-time, unpaid volunteer administrative assistant for our JROTC program. I also fill the functions of Quiz Bowl Coach, School Club Coordinator, and, most important to this request for assistance, Astronomy Club Sponsor and Advisor.

A couple of years ago, I did some presentations for a couple of the science classes in my role as a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador. The kids got so excited and involved with the presentations that I asked the principal if I could start an Astronomy Club. His initial response was to ask if I really thought there was a need for one. After telling him about my observations, he gave me the go-ahead. To make a long story short, our Astronomy Club is now one of the largest clubs on campus, with over 200 members. For those who like statistics, that's roughly 20% of the school population.

We sponsor monthly space trivia contests, various essay contests, and poster contests throughout the year. These are open to all students, whether they are members or not. One of the kids from our school was even a semi-finalist in the "Cassini-Scientist-For-A-Day" essay contest this year. Everyone was really psyched when we got a teleconference with the Cassini Science Team.

The other thing we do is host a "Space Day Celebration" at the school. This includes presentations, a poster contest, guest speakers, visits from local colleges with space-related science programs, a banquet, and more. The goal is to get more and more kids excited about space and space exploration. This year's celebration is scheduled for May 1st.

I've already requested handouts and materials from JPL and astronomy magazines that we can use for displays and prizes. The truth of the matter is that with as many kids as we have involved, there are never enough materials. This is a fairly poor rural county, so I pay for a lot of the expenses out of my own pocket.

Some of you have already helped me out by either donating items or letting me buy relatively inexpensive things from you (duplicate patches, books, etc.). I appreciate this more than I can say. Given the way some people jumped on board when they heard about our efforts, I thought I would put this general request to all cSers - if you have any items that you would be willing to donate for prizes, etc., or if you have duplicates of things that you would be willing to sell (nothing too expensive please - remember I don't get a paycheck! lol), please contact me by e-mail and let's see what we can do. No pressure here, folks. I don't want anyone to feel obligated or put upon. I've just always been taught you never know if you don't ask.

Sorry this is such a long post, but I wanted everyone to know where I'm coming from and to have all the information possible.

Jay Gallentine

Posts: 287
From: Shorewood, MN, USA
Registered: Sep 2004

posted 03-25-2009 07:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Gallentine   Click Here to Email Jay Gallentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Linda, I am a JPL Solar System Ambassador myself and will happily rummage through my collection for items to donate! You are welcome to contact me via e-mail if there are specific things you're looking for.

Kindest Regards,
Jay Gallentine

Linda K

Posts: 62
From: Greensboro, NC 27455
Registered: Aug 2008

posted 03-28-2009 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda K   Click Here to Email Linda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd just like to say thanks to those of you who have contacted me with offers of donations for our High School Space Day Celebration. Thanks to you, we will not have to limit the prizes to only the top three in each event (poster contest, display, etc.). If this keeps up, we will be able to offer prizes for the top 5 in a couple of events and maybe even for the top 10 in one or two events.

If there's anyone else who wants to join in, just drop me an e-mail. Please see my original posting for the full details.

Again, thank you - you guys are the best!!


Posts: 233
From: Maplewood, nj, 07040
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 03-28-2009 07:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for clifford   Click Here to Email clifford     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have done talks with the girl scouts a few times and found NASA contractors willing to donate stuff to give to the kids. Lockheed Martin was especially helpful. Also the Astronaut office in Houston helped. Best of luck to you.


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From: Northwest Indiana
Registered: Jan 2002

posted 05-15-2009 07:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rjurek349   Click Here to Email rjurek349     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda, just wondering - how was the space day? I hope a success.

Linda K

Posts: 62
From: Greensboro, NC 27455
Registered: Aug 2008

posted 05-16-2009 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda K   Click Here to Email Linda K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, it's taken quite a while, but I finally have some of the pictures posted of our Space Day Celebration. One of the delays is purely logistical - I have to get release forms signed and returned from each and every student whose pictures/work are being displayed. The other delay is... how shall I describe it? Personality conflict? hmmm... Let's just say that my computer and I are having a minor disagreement about what I want it to do when, and so far, it's making HAL look like an angel! lol

At any rate, the first pictures are now up - visit the WHHS Astronomy Club Space Day Winners page today.

I already mentioned this on the WHHS Astronomy Club homepage, but I wanted to make sure that all of you know just how much I appreciate all of your support, encouragement, and donations of those wonderful prizes for our students. There is no way I could have done this without you!

P.S. - Ed, if you're reading this, be warned - some of these kids may give you a run for your money one day!

Lunar rock nut

Posts: 911
From: Oklahoma city, Oklahoma U.S.A.
Registered: Feb 2007

posted 05-17-2009 06:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunar rock nut   Click Here to Email Lunar rock nut     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You have some very talented artistry on display. Looking forward to seeing more. Job well done. I am Impressed!



Posts: 3386
From: Netherlands
Registered: Nov 2001

posted 05-17-2009 06:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for heng44   Click Here to Email heng44     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not only are these winners very talented, they also are more good looking than I am.


Jay Gallentine

Posts: 287
From: Shorewood, MN, USA
Registered: Sep 2004

posted 05-17-2009 09:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Gallentine   Click Here to Email Jay Gallentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda, your event became a wonderful opportunity to remind myself of - and demonstrate to my sons - the pure joy of giving. As a contributor of materials to your Space Day, I can't tell you what an absolute thrill it was to see one of my donations in the hands of one of your excited students.

May this admirable event serve to inspire a new generation of thinkers and explorers and achievers.

Do keep those pictures coming. I've already started planning what I can contribute to next year's event!

With Kindest Regards,
Jay Gallentine

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