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NASA's Ingenuity helicopter achieves first powered flight on Mars [i]A small rotorcraft has made both aeronautic and astronautic history, becoming the first vehicle to achieve powered flight on a celestial body other than Earth. Named "Ingenuity," NASA's first Mars helicopter lifted off from the surface of Jezero crater on the Red Planet at 3:34 a.m. EDT (0733 GMT or 12:33 p.m. Local Mean Solar Time on Mars) on Monday (April 19). Flying autonomously, the 1.6-foot-tall (0.49-meter) aircraft spun up its four carbon blades to climb to its planned altitude of 10 feet (3 meters) and maintained a stable hover for 30 seconds. Ingenuity then descended and touched back down on its four legs after logging 39.1 seconds in flight.[/i]
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