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T O P I C R E V I E Wmolaire1I've found a new patch at the enter of the Mir simulation hall in Star City. This patch present the "Cosmocenter" with a logo and a embroidered patch. Have you information about this?Just the picture of the original logo of the Mir Simulation Hall:waa49From a space patch collection I have, among other things, a "...rectangular white patch with a globe and the three Cyrillic letters" as shown in the photo above next to the rocket..."Who can give me more information about the patch? What do the three letters mean? (The patch is supposed to have something to do with "Star City" or the training center.)MSSЦПК - Cosmonaut Training Center!waa49From a space patch collection I have, among other things, a slightly different patch as shown in the above post. However, the labeling around the patch is identical.I am interested in the translation of the labeling. Who can help?MSSHere it is:Центр подготовки космонавтов им. Ю. А. Гагарина / ЦПК / КосмоцентрCosmonaut Training Center named after Yu. A. Gagarin / Cosmocenter / Cosmocenterwaa49The original translation was: Gagarina....Do you know why they added an "a" to the name; as can be seen in the patch (Cyrillic letters)? Thanks.RussianIt's a question of declinations in Russian language. ЦПК имени Гагарина-TsPK named after Gagarin.waa49Thanks, Russian
Just the picture of the original logo of the Mir Simulation Hall:
Who can give me more information about the patch? What do the three letters mean? (The patch is supposed to have something to do with "Star City" or the training center.)
I am interested in the translation of the labeling. Who can help?
Центр подготовки космонавтов им. Ю. А. Гагарина / ЦПК / Космоцентр
Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu. A. Gagarin / Cosmocenter / Cosmocenter
Do you know why they added an "a" to the name; as can be seen in the patch (Cyrillic letters)? Thanks.
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