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Forum:Space Shuttles - Space Station
Topic:Video: ABC News coverage of STS-2 launch
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Delta7Wow. Hard to believe that was over 28 years ago. I remember it like yesterday.

It's even more daunting to think anyone born on that day could now be in a position to become an astronaut themselves at age 28, as an active military pilot, engineer or scientist.

kkingThis is great. I'm lucky enough to have ABC, NBC and CBS on video. Now DVD.
Jay ChladekSTS-2 has a special place for me as it was the first launch I watched on live TV. When STS-1 flew, I was on a Cub scout campout and while my dad did have a portable black and white TV and watched the launch, he didn't wake me up to do the same. For this one, since it was a school day we got to watch it on the TV and it was great.

Fun seeing Gene, Jack and Deke there. Funny how Geno mentioned his less then stellar helicopter flight many years earlier.

After going to KSC at various times since 2004 (and one visit in 1988) it is nice to see what things have stayed the same (a lot) and what has changed (not much). I didn't exactly know where I was in 1988, so I didn't entirely know exactly where the Saturn V and 1B were displayed in relation to the press site and the VAB, but now I can see them in this footage. Seeing the last Saturn V LUT sitting next to the VAB is certainly a bonus as well.

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