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Forum:Space Explorers & Workers
Topic:Navy Blue Angels and NASA astronauts
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WehaveliftoffWow, what views. When I saw the Blue Angels this year, thought more astronauts preempted their careers in Navy Blue Angels, but their flying skills are stupendous, nonetheless.
Delta7I think I read somewhere that Alan Bean had been accepted into the Blue Angels around the same time he was selected as an astronaut. Maybe his "Plan B."
Robert PearlmanA UPI article from Nov. 8, 1969 mentions Bean was offered a spot on the Blue Angels. "He turned it down, applying for the astronaut corps instead."
music_spaceThe Blue Angels will be associated with astronauts forever. The 2008 Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) show coincided with an aerial show including the Navy outfit, and several among us attended the event in the ASF VIP zone. This was for me the most memorable informal event with astronauts in attendance.
OV-105I don't think you will see too many. By the time they get the flight hours in, they are at a choice to go to test pilot school or flight demo team.

Also going with the flight demo team they are more of a long term military career person. Not that astronauts or test pilots are not, but the demo team pilots are normally going for higher military command.

When you look at the number of pilots that become astronauts, flight demo, and test pilots are all very small number. Doing all three would be like hitting all the numbers on the Powerball twice.

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