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T O P I C R E V I E Wstar51L http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1102148876970 Server7You might be surprised at things that happened after the shuttle crash with regard to personal effects.star51LNo...no I wouldn't. Server7Just after Columbia's crash one of the astronaut's homes was entered into. My next door neighbor was the home of one of the astronauts on the flight. Luckily the police blocked off the street quickly.Just a frenzy. Some people are nuts.star51LYou are being kind just calling them 'nuts'. I saw enough on ebay after Columbia's accident; 'nuts' wasn't what came to mind to me....I guess, with the world we live in, things of this nature are inevitable; you almost expect to read things like that, and are more surprised when you don't.[This message has been edited by star51L (edited December 19, 2004).]
Just a frenzy. Some people are nuts.
I guess, with the world we live in, things of this nature are inevitable; you almost expect to read things like that, and are more surprised when you don't.
[This message has been edited by star51L (edited December 19, 2004).]
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