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Forum:Satellites - Robotic Probes
Topic:Rocket Lab's 'The Humanity Star' satellite
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Robert PearlmanThe Humanity Star satellite is returning to Earth earlier than expected, reports The Atlantic.
The Humanity Star, a satellite launched into space in January, will reenter Earth's atmosphere and disintegrate sometime this week, according to websites that track the movement of objects in orbit around the planet. The satellite was always going to come back down. But it was supposed to remain in orbit for nine months, according to Rocket Lab, the U.S. spaceflight company, based in New Zealand, that built the satellite.

SatView and Space-Track, databases that track all artificial satellites and space probes around Earth, forecast that the Humanity star will reenter the atmosphere sometime on Thursday, March 22. (See SatView's page here, and Space-Track's page here.) Rocket Lab's own tracker shows that the satellite's altitude is already steadily dropping.

Robert PearlmanThe Humanity Star is no more. From Jonathan McDowell on Twitter:
Space-Track has issued the decay notice - Humanity Star has reentered. No revision to the entry window, was sometime in the 1246-1344 UTC range, somewhere on the white-colored track in Marco's map.
denali414Really good story on Rocket Lab and the Cubesat revolution:
I guess the humanity star was potentially quite a full circle moment given your origins as a kid looking up at the stars and deciding to get in to it?

Yeah that was bitter-sweet because not everybody liked that.

Yes that was a bit of a bizarre reaction.

Yeah but for every negative comment we saw on that, we got probably two positives. It makes a better story to have some tension there. But still I maintain I would do that again in a heartbeat. That was a great mission. And to see just the thousands that wrote in and actually that overview experience where they looked up and it was like ‘oh okay I am on this rock in the middle of the universe, maybe some of these things aren’t as big of a deal as I thought’. So that was a wonderful project.

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