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"An Unlikely Astronaut" is a true story of how Astronaut Susan Kilrain dreamed of flying in space when no American woman had and how she overcame all the obstacles encountered along the way. She wrote the book in hopes of encouraging other kids to reach for their stars even if the odds are against them.
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T O P I C R E V I E WRobert PearlmanAn Unlikely Astronautby Susan Kilrain with Francis French Illustrated by Becky Hardy"An Unlikely Astronaut" is a true story of how Astronaut Susan Kilrain dreamed of flying in space when no American woman had and how she overcame all the obstacles encountered along the way. She wrote the book in hopes of encouraging other kids to reach for their stars even if the odds are against them. Hardcover, 32 pages Reading age: 5 - 8 years BookPress Publishing (September 15, 2023)ISBN-10: 1947305735ISBN-13: 978-1947305731 FFrenchUpdated cover art for this forthcoming book:FFrenchThe book is now out via Susan's website!FFrenchThis book was recently read aboard the International Space Station. The video of it can be seen here. Perfect for anyone with kids!FFrenchA new review of the book from the National Space Society.
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