T O P I C R E V I E W |
Russian | Founded in 1985 by a small group of U.S., Russian and international fliers, the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) is an international nonprofit 501c3 professional and educational organization of over 400 flown astronauts and cosmonauts from 38 nations. ASE and its annual Planetary Congress patches: 

KSCartist | I was the one who managed manufacture of these patches for the ASE. Not my design but I was honored to assist. The last three years 2017, 2018 and 2019 were in English and Russian by special request. |
Russian | 2019 was where? Do you have a photo of the patch? Here is 2018 in English:  |
Robert Pearlman | If Tim will accept the assist, 2019 was held in Houston: |
KSCartist | Thanks Robert. They chose Houston because of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11. |
Russian | No patches for 2020-2022 (pandemic). And for 2023? |
KSCartist | Sadly no. In 2020 the Congress was either canceled or virtual. In 2021, 2022 and 2023 no patches were made. Originally I was told they were made to give to the attendees. |
Russian | Hope our flying Dutchmen will not forget the Congress this year in Amsterdam! |
Jacques van Oene | Designed by Luc van den Abeelen: 
Russian | Thank you,Jacques! So Amsterdam is ready for the Planetary Congress end of September! |
KSCartist | Very nice Luc! So glad you brought the patch back. |