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[i]This was my idea and then my crew helped me design everything for this patch. For me and for us, the Expedition 15, it is not only our crew. Expedition 15 is all people who work with this program, very nice, very complex-able (sic) program. I think that one of greatest view that everybody can understand, this is our map and our orbits. We use this in Russian MCC or in American, in Houston MCC. We use like this view in orbit — like world map — we have world map in our computers or in Russian segment we have the program Sigma (its the same program). Because a very important question everybody is 'Where we are?' — yes, of course, 'Who we are?', Expedition 15 — 'where we are?' in orbit. An orbit continues and our program continues, and now our orbit is Expedition 15. You can see this in our patch, yes? Two vehicles are important. One of this is station. The second is Soyuz spacecraft or shuttle or ATV or Progress, like these vehicles here. And to that, its vehicles and MCC — you can understand that the dot is on the Houston Mission Control Center and on the Moscow Control Center. This is important. Of course, all our names. Maybe, and its official, we hope we can see everybody. Because in center we can see the pyramid, yes? The bottom of pyramid is Tani and we hope to see Tani (laughs) in our flight. Its like this. The sun, everybody understands what is the sun. The sun is very important to us. Everyday we can see the sun, we are glad that our life continues and our flight continues, our orbits continue.[/i]
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