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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Fly Me to the Moon (2024 Sony Pictures)
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Robert PearlmanThe trailer will be released at 9 a.m. EDT today (April 8):

Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
'Fly Me to the Moon' trailer mixes real-life Apollo history with moon landing hoax

If you are even a casual space history enthusiast, watching the new trailer for the upcoming movie "Fly Me to the Moon" might leave you thinking that it is an entire work of fiction.

And for the most part, you would be correct.

SpaceAngelIs this movie based on a true story or is it fictional?
BlackarrowI have a bad feeling about this...

I saw a trailer for the film, which includes footage of a fake Apollo 11 landing being shot on a movie stage. Shades of "Capricorn 1." At least that was about a fictional future Mars landing, not a historic, factual Moon landing. I can't think of any circumstances where this is going to be appropriate.

Robert PearlmanThe film received NASA's permission to film at Kennedy Space Center and to use the agency's logo, which means the space agency had script approval. That doesn't mean everything has to be factual, but it does have to show NASA in a good light.

The trailer makes it clear that they aren't faking the moon landing — the mission is proceeding — but they are filming a backup to show the world should something go wrong. While clearly fictional, there are also parallels to real-life events.

The CIA considered putting debris under LC-14 in the event that John Glenn's Mercury-Atlas 6 launch went awry, so the U.S. could blame the tragedy on Cuba. Obviously, that is not the same as trying to get the world to believe we successfully landed on the moon when we didn't, but it is still a subterfuge.

And, as pointed out in the article and has been discussed a few times on this forum, NBC and CBS staged simulations to fill in when live video was not available. In essence, they too were faking the moon landing in real time on national television, though they labeled it as such so there was no confusion.

"Fly Me to the Moon" is a work of fiction, but has hooks into the real-life efforts to market the moon landings to the American public and the world. Personally, from what we've seen so far, it looks like fun.

MartinAirNeil deGrasse Tyson once said that the conspiracy theories are actually paying space agencies a compliment for their achievements.
BlackarrowRobert, I really can't see any justification for Hollywood encouraging Moon-hoax idiots by suggesting that a fake Moon-landing was being filmed "just in case." In case of what? If the Saturn V had blown up, we would have seen it. If the LM had crashed, we would have heard it live. If the TV camera had failed, the TV networks (as you point out) would have shown simulations to support the live audio. If the LM had failed to launch from the Moon, the (real) live Moonwalk TV would already have been shown, and there would have been no way to hide the deaths of the crew.

By the way, to say that NBC and CBS were "in essence... faking the Moon landing in real time on national television" is absurd. There was no confusion because there is no way to confuse an acknowledged simulation for a deliberate fake designed to fool people.

It is clear from the comments which follow the YouTube trailer that there are a lot of people concerned that this is going to be a bonanza for Moon-hoax supporters. I'm afraid that the age-group most likely to watch this in the cinemas won't be able to distinguish comedy/satire from historical reality. And so it will go on.

Robert PearlmanSo we're all supposed to pander to the lowest common denominator because of the fear that we might be bolstering something they already believe?

Besides, show me someone who truly doesn't believe we went to the moon and I'll show you someone who has much larger problems than any movie can ever pose.

Originally posted by Blackarrow:
Hollywood encouraging Moon-hoax idiots...
Hollywood made the movie to make money. The individuals involved in the film made the movie to produce an enjoyable piece of entertainment (and to make money). I doubt anyone associated with "Fly Me to the Moon" made the movie to encourage anyone of anything.
Moonwalker1954I agree with Blackarrow. This is a bad idea. Especially when we're about to go back to the Moon! Another Hollywood stupidity.
mercsimIts a movie! A comedy movie! You're acting like professional movie critics. C'mon man... clearly NASA got it.

I'm looking forward to being 'entertained,' not 'educated.'

BlackarrowRobert, it isn't necessary to set out to encourage deliberately if one's actions will actually and inevitably encourage. I can't see any way that the plotlines which are clearly set out in the trailer won't encourage, enthuse and embolden the Moon hoax lobby, and I can't see how that is anything but bad news. "Capricorn 1" was "just a movie" but it arguably turbocharged a whole industry.

I agree that it won't make any difference to the people who could be flown to Tranquillity Base and still wouldn't believe Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon, but it will make a difference to people who will watch all the stuff in this film about faking a Moonwalk on a movie set and will say to themselves (and to each other, and to others) "Hmmm... it makes you think. Looks like the government did fake it after all."

Robert PearlmanThe little the trailer shows of the fake moon landing shows it as being a farce. The actor-astronauts are fighting, there is a fire and Scarlett Johansson's character is regretting her choice of director. It's not exactly a convincing argument that the moon landing could be faked.

The trailer also gives no hint if the backup will even be needed. History could play out in the movie exactly as it did in real life, with Apollo 11 being a success.

As Scott (mercsim) said, it's a movie. It is best to enjoy it (or not) for what is, not what you think others might think of it.

Originally posted by Robert Pearlman:
... It is best to enjoy it (or not) for what is, not what you think others might think of it.

Or just don't see it, a tactic I take with ... pretty much everything coming out of Hollywood today.

SpacepsychoI do quite a few school presentations on the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs with emphasis on the lunar missions and the spectacular achievements by America. At the end of the program I save 15 minutes for questions and invariably I'll get a teacher who asks "Did we really land men on the moon or was it filmed on a sound stage in the middle of nowhere?" Sometimes I'll pull up LRO photos of the landing sites, they clearly show the LRV and LM descent module and sometimes I'll ask if they're really a teacher with a degree in education.

To be honest, I'm not thrilled that a major motion picture is showing the moon landings being faked, primarily because so many believe what they're shown.

Robert Pearlman
Originally posted by Spacepsycho:
...a major motion picture is showing the moon landings being faked
Based on the trailer alone, we don't really know if the film shows the moon landing being faked. It only shows them setting up a sound stage in an attempt to do so, but whether they are successful or even go through with it is not shown.

For all we know, maybe the hoax fails and the real moon landing succeeds. Maybe the punchline of this film is something those who have been debunking the hoax has been saying all along: it would be easier and less expensive for NASA to actually land on the moon than convincingly fake it on Earth given the technology at the time.

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