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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Fox Business Strange Inheritance: Lunar Bibles
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denali414That was great seeing you on that show last night Robert. Some good history of spaceflight. Just have some questions, hope you can answer.

Are the lunar bibles numbered? And did NASA have any official count of how many were flown on Apollo 13 and 14?

It seems Rev. Stout had a lot more made by NCR then ended up on the Apollo flights. So wondering how they determine which are the flown bibles (Apollo 13), the lunar bibles (Apollo 14) and not flown bibles? As he was suffering from dementia, it would be an innocent mistake to mix the three different types or even remember which is which. So can see how while saying "X" is a lunar bible, it may not be. How does an auction house differentiate the three types? Thanks!

Robert PearlmanThe lunar bibles were flown on Apollo 12 (1), Apollo 13 (512) and Apollo 14 (300 from the Apollo 13 flown cache); 200 remained in lunar orbit and 100 were landed on the surface) inside astronauts' personal preference kits (Alan Bean, Jim Lovell and Edgar Mitchell, respectively).

They were packaged in Beta cloth and vacuum sealed in plastic for flight, so I believe the PPK inventory would only reflect the number of packages, not the number of bibles.

Rev. Stout did have a system to keep track of the bibles and to whom they were presented. There are also several tells that distinguish unflown bibles (the NCR microfilm bible was a commercial product that was distributed beyond the Apollo Prayer League) and those that were prepared for flight and those that flew. The auction houses that specialize in space memorabilia and others know what they are, but to avoid counterfeits the details aren't widely circulated.

Incidentally, the bibles I was handling on the show were not flown, less anyone was concerned that I was doing so without gloves.

denali414Thanks for the answers. That makes sense about the counterfeits. Is there "tells" also from the 200 that remained in orbit, from the 100 that went to the surface? As obviously there would be a huge difference in their value.
Robert PearlmanYes, there are means to identify the two sets.

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