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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Lucy in the Sky (Fox Searchlight Pictures)
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Originally posted by onesmallstep:
Pure hyperbole — but then, if events/characters can be "loosely based on..." in Hollywood, anything's possible.

"I like when they say a movie is inspired by a true story. That's kind of silly."

"Hey, Mitch, did you hear that story about that lady who drove her car into the lake with her kids and they all drowned?"

"Yeah, I did, and you know what - that inspires me to write a movie about a gorilla!"

- Mitch Hedberg

David CI think if you can divorce yourself from all the BS and take it for what it is, a psychological drama with a space sci-fi backdrop, this could be entertaining.
denali414One of the best books on dogs I ever read, "Winterdance," which is a very funny account of training Alaskan Huskies for the Iditirod, was turned into a movie "based on the book Winterdance"... The movie "Snow Dogs" was beyond awful and had nothing to do with the book. Always skeptical of anything "based" on...
JonnyedI guess what makes the whole thing seem "odd" is the strong linkage drawn between the "transcendent experience of being an astronaut" and the "resultant" love triangle.

Really, boiled down, it's just a workplace romance, glammed up a bit.

After all, didn't the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts (moonwalkers no less!) have transcendent experiences"? Tranquility base or Peyton Place?!

olyEither the movie is your kind of thing or it is not, what some find entertaining, others don't. I find it hard to be critical before the movie release and I have watched it.

There was much criticism regarding the choice of Ryan Gosling playing Neil Armstrong when it was first announced. criticism that has since been overshadowed by his performance.

Like any genre movie where the audience has a strong understanding of the subject matter, we can find that when the script or action does not follow what we find logical, we tend to dislike.

Spaceflight, and in particular, the experience of witnessing Earth's fragile atmosphere and lack of political and cultural boundaries from space, has affected most people who have witnessed it first hand, is something many wish to see, and has sparked many imaginations. It is not surprising that somebody wants to explore the romanticism and psychological conflict possible following the experience of seeing and experiencing such sights.

This is one reason we were fortunate enough to have Alan Bean be one of the privileged few to walk on the moon. His artistic brain picked up on experiences that an engineering brain could easily overlook, and share his view of such an experience.

It is also why artistic type folk are invited on a lunar trip onboard SpaceX's BFR, so that the experience can be shared via many differing perspectives.

I look forward to seeing what the result is from "Lucy in the Sky."

Originally posted by David C:
I think if you can divorce yourself from all the BS and take it for what it is...
Based on the trailer, I can't!
JonnyedSounds like Lisa Nowak should be demanding a portion of the profits.
Robert PearlmanThat's the part of this that seems regrettable.

Nowak, Oefelein and Shipman returned to their private lives. They did not cash in on their stories even though they had the opportunity and invitations to do so. Now, this film is dragging their story back into the headlines without any real care of what it might do to them or their families.

Granted, this is far from the first time that Hollywood has dramatized stories without the (apparent) participation or permission of their inspiration, but given the great number of Overview Effect stories the filmmakers could have chosen from, this one seems among the least interesting and yet the one with the most potential to do harm.

thisismillsThe "transcendental" nature of this new story (pun intended) had me thinking back to what Story Musgrave shared after performing the first EVA of the Shuttle era on STS-6.
"I was looking for some, I don't know, some kind of existential experience, or some being, or some kind of physical phenomenon to, you know, to really grab me and tell me I'm not still in the water tank," Story Musgrave said post-flight. "I didn't expect anything particular. I was open-minded about it. Now, this is funny, but things went so smoothly that, in a sense, I was disappointed by what I felt! I never got that transcendental jolt."
I can only imagine that the experience is uniquely personal to each and every individual. It will be interesting to see how much screen time in the film is devoted to the "thousand-yard stare."
Robert PearlmanFox Searchlight has announced that "Lucy in the Sky" will open in limited release on Oct. 4, 2019.
Robert PearlmanFox Searchlight has released a new trailer:

MajTom7I just watched this movie.

Does anyone have any idea where one might find the NASA, Mach 25, and shuttle patches on Lucy's flight suit as pictured upthread?

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