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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Discovery Channel: Phil Plait's Bad Universe
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AJPhil is such a cool dude! Yay for him. He's super nice.
ScottCongratulations Phil!
tegwilymMythbusters in space! I'm looking forward to seeing his show. Looks great.
GilbertThis does look interesting. His talks at Spacefest were very entertaining and educational.
mjanovecLooks like a fun and interesting show...where people might actually learn something.

He does appear to have adopted the one golden rule of Mythbusters: Blow stuff up.

GilbertI watched the first episode of Bad Universe last night. It was highly entertaining and sidekick Dan Durda's enthusiasm added to the enjoyment. The MythBusters approach worked. After 60-minutes of Bad Universe the general public's awareness (for those who watched) of the deadly dangers from space should be greatly expanded. Although many cS readers are familiar with the subject, the show was fascinating and well-done. A+
GACspaceguyJust watched it and I must say it was done well. Very interesting and entertaining. Good job Phil!
tegwilymGreat job on the show. Fast moving, and a ton of information and Phils sense of humor. I hope this is the first of a series.

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