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Forum:Publications & Multimedia
Topic:To Plant a Flag (IMAX short movie)
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In preparation for the moon landing in 1969, NASA sent a team of astronaut to the lunar landscapes of Iceland. Their hi-tech training mission soon discovers what obstacles one can meet when facing an Icelandic sheep farmer.
The lunar EVA suit costumes look pretty high-fidelity. They probably didn't just pop some mission-used suits out of storage for this.

Can anyone provide any photos/information on their visits to Iceland? I’m due to visit this year and would enjoy finding out more.

Robert PearlmanSee: Apollo astronaut training in Iceland from The Exploration Museum in Húsavík, Iceland.
Larry McGlynnWent to Iceland last summer. We drove across the island. The land varies between moonscape and lavish green with many waterfalls. The area where the astronauts trained is up on the northern side of the island. That is also the best place to see the Northern Lights too. The photographs below even suggest a Martian locale.

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