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Forum:Publications & Multimedia
Topic:Mission:ISS (Oculus VR Rift, Touch software)
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Based on NASA Space Station models as well as discussions with multiple astronauts and the VR Laboratory at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Mission:ISS recreates the International Space Station in painstaking detail. While many of us dream of becoming astronauts, only about 500 people have ever been to space.

Thanks to Mission:ISS and Oculus Touch, you can use your virtual hands to dock incoming cargo capsules, conduct spacewalks, and perform mission-critical tasks. Now anyone, anywhere, can experience the breathtaking view of Earth from orbit.

Designed and engineered by the Academy Award-winning team at Los Angeles-based Magnopus, this visceral, interstellar experience also marks a new cornerstone of interactive education. People will learn the history of the ISS and hear the stories of several astronauts in a series of immersive videos. We're also piloting a limited beta program in the US to provide high school students with direct access to Mission:ISS.

At the same time, we've partnered with CNES, the French Space Agency, to send a Rift to the ISS! The Rift will be used for the first time in orbit by European astronaut Thomas Pesquet to test the effects of zero-gravity on human spatial awareness and balance using software developed by the space agencies.

We hope Mission:ISS and the zero-g research conducted with VR foster knowledge and awareness while sparking imaginations around the world.

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