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Forum:Space Explorers & Workers
Topic:Dyna-Soar (X-20) test pilots
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Henry HeatherbankDoes anybody know what became of the General Dynamics/Convair plant in San Diego? Where was it in San Diego?
albatronWhen Al Crews and I flew into San Diego together for Spacefest II, he pointed out the buildings to me as we landed. If I recall correctly, they were on the east side of the airport (on the airport proper), and some (of course) large buildings.
Originally posted by capoetc:
Nice video from the AFA convention in Las Vegas in 1962 showing the introduction of Wood, Gordon, Rogers, Thompson, Knight, and Crews as pilots of the X-20 project.
I shared that video with Al Crews and Bud Evans (neighbors), they had not seen it before and were appreciative for it.
Originally posted by Henry Heatherbank:
Does anybody know what became of the General Dynamics/Convair plant in San Diego? Where was it in San Diego?
It's still operational adjacent to the downtown airport. The original complex is co-occupied by Lockheed Martin and the US Navy's Commander Naval Space and Warfare (SPAWAR). When I was at the plant last year they were still manufacturing the balloon tanks and the Centaur, some of the work on Atlas was moved up to the Denver plant.
Originally posted by albatron:
I shared that video w/Al Crews and Bud Evans (neighbors), they had not seen it before and were appreciative for it.
I'm glad to hear that! I flew with Al Crews in my right seat (C-21A Learjet) on a TAL support mission in Banjul, The Gambia, back in the '90's. He was also at another TAL support (in Morocco) where the shuttle mission was scrubbed, so we didn't fly that time.

For the record, he still had really good hands.

albatronI remember you telling me that, but not the good hands part. I'll pass that along.

Not surprised, the man's flown nearly everything and for a lot of years!

413 is in
Originally posted by capoetc:
Nice video from the AFA convention in Las Vegas in 1962 showing the introduction of Wood, Gordon, Rogers, Thompson, Knight, and Crews as pilots of the X-20 project.

That's a great video. A higher quality version of this presentation (minus the musical soundtrack) is also available on the Spacecraft Films "Man in Space" DVD.

Additionally, here's a photo outtake of Al Crews intended for use on his PAFB Atlantic Missile Range identification badge. Photo was taken during the Dyna-Soar days at the Cape.

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