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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Constellation (Apple TV+ eight-part drama)
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Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
Astronaut Scott Kelly on advising Apple's new space thriller 'Constellation'

Scott Kelly recently returned to the International Space Station — during a trip to Berlin.

The first American astronaut to spend more than 500 days off the planet, including nearly a year aboard the space station during his fourth and final spaceflight in 2016, Kelly was in Germany when he stepped back into his once orbiting home away from home.

"The outside was just plywood, but the inside looked better than the space station training mockup we have at the Johnson Space Center," said Kelly in an interview with collectSPACE. "Well, not functionally, but appearance-wise it looked much more like the real thing."

"But then, the one at NASA was designed for different things," he said.

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