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Forum:Space Events & Happenings
Topic:9/12: JFK moon speech 60th (NASA, Rice U)
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Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
'We choose to go to the moon...' again: NASA marks JFK speech 60th

As NASA once again prepares to set sail "on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure" on which humanity has ever embarked, the space agency's leaders returned to the site where 60 years ago, to the day, President John F. Kennedy reconfirmed "we choose to go to the moon."

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson joined other program officials at Rice University in Houston on Monday (Sept. 12) to mark the 60th anniversary of Kennedy's speech, which rallied the nation to land astronauts on the moon. Kennedy first set the goal during an address to Congress in May 1961 and, with the speech at Rice, it led to the six Apollo lunar landing missions between 1969 and 1972.

Robert PearlmanIf you like the artwork NASA created for today's event, the Johnson Space Center employee exchange store has a limited number of products with the design:

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