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[b]Mission Control monitoring debris[/b] The Expedition 21 crew onboard the International Space Station (ISS) was notified Friday morning of a possible conjunction with a piece of Russian Cosmos space debris. The time of its closest approach is projected to be 9:48 p.m. CST. Due to the timing of the available tracking data, it is now too late for the crew to perform a debris avoidance maneuver. Tracking of this debris is erratic and taking the appropriate precautions and preparing are prudent measures. Mission Control in Houston contacted station commander Frank De Winne at 10:04 a.m. informing him of the possible conjunction, as well as the effort to more accurately determine the path of the debris. Capcom Jason Hutt told De Winne, "We are possibly going to get one more data point on this conjunction." He then added, "We are going to have to make a decision what we're going to have to do with regards to getting in the Soyuz."
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