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"Arthur C. Clarke is one of the true geniuses of our time." --Ray Bradbury "Not since George Orwell wrote 1984 has one writer's name conjured more speculation and fascination with a year than the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey. That writer is, of course, Sir Arthur C. Clarke. He is, at 83, perhaps the most influential science fiction writer in the universe." --Tom Hanks, 73rd Academy Awards "Nobody has done more in the way of enlightened prediction than Arthur C. Clarke." --Isaac Asimov "He has done an enormous global service in preparing the climate for serious human presence beyond the Earth." --Carl Sagan "In a world filled with despair and fear, Arthur C. Clarke has always come down on the side of human possibility against the forces of impossibility." --Alvin Toffler "Arthur literally made my Star Trek idea possible, including the television series, the films, and the association and learning it has made possible for me." --Gene Roddenberry "Arthur somehow manages to capture the hopeless but admirable human desire to know things that can really never be known." ". . . As an artist, his ability to impart poignancy to a dying ocean or an intelligent vapor is unique. He has the kind of mind of which the world can never have enough, an array of imagination, intelligence, knowledge, and a quirkish curiosity which often uncovers more than the first three qualities." --Stanley Kubrick "Arthur C. Clarke, distinguished author of science and fiction, says ideas often have three stages of reaction--first, 'it's crazy and don't waste my time.' Second, 'it's possible, but it's not worth doing.' And finally, 'I've always said it was a good idea.'" --President Ronald Reagan "2001 is not just another science-fiction novel or movie. It is a science-fiction milestone--one of the best novels in the genre and undoubtedly the best s.f. movie ever made. "...Arguably, Sir Arthur (he was knighted in 1998) has done more than anyone in the 20th century to explain science to the multitude." --Gerald Jonas, New York Times "Sir Arthur Clarke has been an inspiration to me since he wrote his first books in the 1940s. I thank him for leading us through the 20th century and guiding us to the heavens." --Daniel Goldin , NASA Administrator "Sir Arthur Clarke is the Jules Verne of space." --Jean-Michel Cousteau, Oceanographer "It has been a great privilege to be a friend of an individual who has made such important contributions to the extraordinary scientific/technical achievements of the 20th century and beyond." --Walter Cronkite "I count myself among the millions who have been inspired and encouraged by Arthur C. Clarke's contributions to literature, and I count myself among his many friends." --Neil Armstrong
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