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[b]IM-1 Engine Maneuvers Update[/b] Flight controllers received and analyzed data from the February 16th engine Commissioning Maneuver (CM). Data from the 21-second full-thrust mainstage engine CM confirmed Odysseus hit its 21 m/s target with approximately 0.8 m/s accuracy. Propulsion mixture ratios, mass flow rate, and temperature were as predicted. Overall, Intuitive Machines characterizes the execution of the CM as nominal and per expectations. On February 18th, flight controllers commanded the lander's first planned trajectory correction maneuver, igniting the lander's engine for the second time, and are planning the anticipated final required maneuver before Odysseus' largest challenge to date, lunar orbit insertion, which is expected on Wednesday, February 21st. In addition, flight controllers completed all NASA and commercial transit payload operations this morning. Odysseus continues to be in excellent health, and flight controllers are analyzing and managing the lander's thermal conditioning for critical systems and payloads with a combination of heater power and attitude control to maximize efficiency. We expect to continue to provide mission updates at least once a day, leading up to a live stream for landing coverage.
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