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In April of 2003, a company called Scaled Composites lifted the veil of secrecy from a longtime research program and introduced SpaceShipOne to the world. And the age of commercial space travel took off... like a rocket. This book chronicles the development of the world's first commercial manned space program -- a program that includes an airborne launcher (the White Knight), a space ship (SpaceShipOne), rocket propulsion, avionics, simulator, and full ground support. With ample illustrations, photographs, and behind-the-scenes information, SpaceShipOne provides a full picture of this classified project--from the conception and design to the deals that brought together Scaled Composites' Burt Rutan and Virgin Airlines' Sir Richard Branson to the plans for building a fleet of commercial suborbital spaceships and launch aircraft. The story of SpaceShipOne combines the adventurous spirit of Charles Lindbergh, the entrepreneurial drive of Howard Hughes, and the urgency of the space race at the height of the Cold War. Author Dan Linehan, who was there at the launch, lets readers in on the drama and details behind the making of spaceships that will take twenty-first-century tourists to the final frontier. About the Author In 2004, Dan Linehan attended the launch of SpaceShipOne when it captured the X Prize. He has written numerous articles about aviation and space for periodicals like Pacific Flyer and In Flight USA. Linehan was the editor and principle feature writer for the California International Airshow's event program in 2003-2005. He has a background in physics and engineering. Dan Linehan lives in Monterey, California.
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