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[i]The emblem features two stations: the ISS and our ROSS. We plan to visit these stations in the future as astronaut-testers, as part of long-term expeditions. The Moon and Mars are two celestial objects that we may also visit: we plan to land on the Moon's surface and eventually start exploring Mars. Achieving spaceflight, studying the Moon and planets of our Solar System is only possible through diligent and persistent learning, acquiring new knowledge (the open book represents knowledge and diligence), and studying and combining the knowledge of all sciences on Earth (the atom with electrons symbolizes science, with different colors of elements representing the four elements of Earth (air, water, fire, and earth), symbolizing science in all directions). To research and explore other planets, we need peaceful (scientific) development of the space industry and collaboration with other countries, combining all achievements together – we can succeed together (the dove of peace). The path to spaceflight is not easy – this is summarized by the inscription "Per aspera ad astra." Our planet, space and its exploration, science, knowledge, and the whole world are all interconnected, and further development is only possible through unification (this is symbolized by the Yin-Yang symbol and its features).[/i]
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