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[i]The operational teamwork between human spaceflight controllers and the on orbit crew take center-stage in the emblem of the International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 15. Against a backdrop familiar to all flight controllers, past and present, independent of any nationality, the fifteenth Expedition to the ISS is represented in Roman numeral form as part of the ground track traces emblazoned on the Mercator projection of the home planet Earth. The ISS, shown in its fully operational, assembly complete configuration, unfurls and then reunites the flags of this Russian and American crew in a show of our continuing international cooperation. Golden spheres placed strategically on the ground track near the Flight Control Centers of the United States and Russia, serve to symbolize both the joint efforts from each nation's team of flight controllers and the Shuttle and Soyuz crew vehicles in their chase orbit as they rendezvous with the ISS. A rising sun provides a classic touch to the emblem signifying the perpetual nature of manned spaceflight operations and their origin in these two space faring nations.[/i]
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