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[b]Development of clothing for astronauts aboard spacecraft[/b] JAXA has been conducting the Aerospace Open Lab Program since June 2004. This program is one of JAXA's space development support measures, aiming for establishing a foundation for easier access to the current or future space development programs. Currently, 25 joint research projects are ongoing as part of the program. Development of clothing for astronauts aboard spacecraft, known as "crew cabin clothing," is one of the research themes. This research is run by the "Near-Future Space-Living Unit" group led by Prof. Yoshiko Taya of Japan Women's University. The goal of this research group is to develop crew cabin clothing that meets the safety requirements for spaceflight, and that ensures the following functions: [list][*]Thermal comfort [*]Cleanliness [*]Mobility [*]Beautiful clothing contour [*]Lightweight and compact design[/list] Clothing developed by this research group will be launched aboard STS-123. During the mission, JAXA astronaut Takao Doi will wear the various clothing types developed by the group to evaluate the comfort and functionality of the clothing. The group has developed clothing materials with the following properties required for crew cabin clothing: [list][*]Heat insulation [*]Water-absorption [*]Quick evaporation [*]Antibacterial [*]Odor elimination [*]Antistatic [*]Antifouling [*]Soft and comfortable to skin[/list] In addition to those properties, non-sewing technology has given the clothing softness and wearable comfort. Cutting technology has improved the way the clothing fits and moves as the crew works in space. The group has also developed a hook & loop fastener with fire retardant properties and fabricated with soft touch materials.
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