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The statue for all astronauts and cosmonauts the people of Marmaris and Turkey erected in commemoration of my visit to fly the flag of Turkey to the International Space Station is a true honor and one that I will never forget. I have, and will always have, the greatest respect and admiration for the people I met there and the culture of the country. The act of vandalism mentioned in the article is something that could happen anywhere and it is my desire that this be considered an isolated incident and not be a negative action that would cloud the future of true international efforts in space exploration. Kemal Ataturk once said: "The future is in the air" and he was right in this assessment. The future is indeed in the air, or in space, and it will be a future of international cooperation and not just singular national programs. Turkey should be a partner in the future and I fervently hope to see the Turkish flag on the suit of an astronaut in the near future.
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