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[i]We are still far from figuring this out in detail, but the current plan is: [list=1][*]Send Dragon scouting missions, initially just to make sure we know how to land without adding a crater and then to figure out the best way to get water for the CH4/O2 Sabatier Reaction. [*]Heart of Gold spaceship flies to Mars loaded only with equipment to build the propellant plant. [*]First crewed mission with equipment to build rudimentary base and complete the propellant plant. [*]Try to double the number of flights with each Earth-Mars orbital rendezvous, which is every 26 months, until the city can grow by itself.[/list][/i]
[i]Early missions will be heavily weighted towards cargo. First crewed mission would have about a dozen people, as the goal will be to build out and troubleshoot the propellant plant and Mars Base Alpha power system.[/i]
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