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[b]Orbital targeting a Sunday berthing for Cygnus[/b] The Cygnus remains healthy in-orbit, with all major onboard systems performing as expected. Over the past several days, the Cygnus engineering team developed, validated and uploaded the one-line software "patch" that resolved the GPS data roll-over discrepancy that was identified during the initial approach to the International Space Station last Saturday (Sept. 21). Orbital and NASA are currently discussing the best rendezvous opportunity, with the current trajectory plan supporting Sunday morning (Sept. 29), as the next opportunity to rendezvous with and approach the ISS. This schedule is still subject to final review and approval by the NASA and Orbital teams. The Cygnus spacecraft is currently holding at about 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) behind the ISS. Later Thursday evening (Sept. 26), Cygnus will perform the first of a series of thruster burns to begin the journey back towards the ISS to be in the right position for a rendezvous as early as Sunday morning. Since its launch from Wallops Island, VA on September 18 aboard our Antares rocket, the Cygnus mission operations team has been monitoring the spacecraft 24/7 with two operational teams — the blue team and the green team — pulling alternate shifts. Program personnel are well-rested and fully prepared for Sunday's approach and rendezvous.
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